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If the Oscars had an appropriate category Star Roadmap Scenario would get an Oscar.​

Please advise when they start such a category, or if they already have it, even something close... Like for example, 'Not filmed yet but unique scenario' category, or 'How to change the world' category... They can open the category, give the Oscar to Star Scenario and then close the category. That will work, too. I mean, somehow they should find a way. 

The Oscar Award

Short clip, 2D, for the very long scenario, big'n deep, and with UNLIMITED D, consisting of 5 major zones;


ZONE 1: Everyone* does some homework, some sort of a SWOT analysis, alone or as a group, included in the Wisdom Vaccine workbook and/or in the Star Agenda. Holding positive vocabulary workshops, as often as possible, is critical, as it may also become the best ice breaker ever. Zone 1 is for Vision Checkup and reviewing your positive vocabulary.


(*Everyone in our reach, directly or indirectly, so yes, just everyone. | Let's inspire everyone. Let's activate everyone. Let's develop, improve, advance, evolve, thrive with everyone. Let's make it to the summit with everyone. I believe that's the only way to maximize our wisdom footprint also.)

ZONE 2: Everyone works towards the +mode. [Jury formation and growth zone for social entrepreneurs, business entrepreneurs, NGOs, policy makers, etc, anyone. Of course it would be lovely to see the fans of the Oscars, too, in the jury.]


ZONE 3: Everyone grasps the idea of +mode with the help of the super formula and thoroughly get used to +mode mood.


ZONE 4: Everyone personalizes the Renaissance 4.0.


ZONE 5: Final touches to all yours and almost clarified VISION+ACTION LINE. Everyone, having experienced the whole process and with the new further upgraded active mindset, looks for new horizons and summits.

(You will know how to start where to start to make it to the summit because you not only have tons of other valuable experiences from your own life and from your observations, but also you learnt and experienced new perspectives and actions along the Roadmap. Besides you now have a new star network to cooperate with.)


Yes, destination summit! YNIVERSE is there, and the Star Roadmap is ready to take you there! Yet, it will all start with YOU.

Yes#2, Star Scenario is an Oscar candidate, at least in everyone's heart and vision, b/c it's one hell of a scenario, and we'll film it together, as one humanity, if you say 'COUNT ME IN!'



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