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Please help yourself and take a look the most idealist and infinite Star Roadmap Agenda, first put together for the potential wise coffee lovers in March 2022, and condensed into two pages only for quick and easy review, and maybe to help you start to 'write' to fully determine your perspective to it most importantly. This is an agenda also to help go thru a personal vision checkup. Please feel free to add new items to the agenda which you see fit not only for such a goal but also to review for a better future with max wisdom footprint and minimum carbon. 

Some of the notes you take, for each item, will form your +MODE, and some will form your Renaissance 4.0. They will also be matched to their respective zones on the Star Roadmap in order to show you your vision/action line. It will be up to you whether you'd prefer to continue to work on further developing and enhancing your +MODE and Renaissance 4.0. You don't have to share your notes, yet, you will be kindly asked to share the outcomes of your positive vocabulary workshops and your favorite environmental NGOs.


Star Roadmap agenda is for anyone with any demographic. It is modular, flexible, and multi multi 'infinite' dimensional. We'll get into all these during the processes. Here it is impossible to make a word of everything involved... Yet, you'll need to think and write to get involved; How else could Wisdom Footprint tend to increase and the Carbon tend to decline?

You can determine a specific topic and connect it to the Star Agenda; like Global Warming as given as an example above, or just go thru each item and see what content you have (or you can create) under each item. Design your +MODE and Renaissance 4.0 with the help of the items offered by the agenda.

About the other two side readings;


2018February pdf is a white paper about the E+MODEL, the super magic formula for the +MODE that will transform to the most unique and beautiful home sweet home. This world as our home, too.


And the 2018May pdf was a campaign introduction prepared to further strengthen the construction philosophically and to further organize the general content of the scope. 

If you liked the YNIVERSAL Star Roadmap agenda/vision, enjoy Wise Coffee as much as you can. In fact think of all your friends and accordingly determine how many cups of coffee! Offer all your friends a new agenda to work on together, or just to help them inspire with new and YNIQUE perspectives towards the YNIVERSE! 


If you want to inspire tons of friends or all your network the sum may be a bit scary. We don't want it to hurt your budget so simply think of asking them to reimburse you as well, if they like the scope. Or just introduce them to this Wise Coffee page.


You can utilize the Wise Coffee if you are some sort of an organization as well. Isn't it time to inspire your colleagues, employees, customers, members, all your network!? It is time for WISE COGROWTH!

Please make sure to contact before transfer to ask for an invoice and/or fully review the details involved. 


Since it began to evolve years ago to its present status Star Roadmap kinda promised to be free or priced at 1 USD pp in worst case scenario. Yet, it is all up to you how you'd be transforming the 1. You should definitely consider transforming it in a way that will generate income for you and/or for a cause, too. Think creative! Offer some perks to those who would participate at a global Vision Checkup, for example. Or include the Star Agenda and the Global Vision Checkup session in your scope of products and services.


So yes;

  • Free

  • 1 USD pp (or 1YLE, Your Local Exchange)

  • You put the price tag. (E.g. Let's say you put a price tag reading 1000 YLE. It means you are covering for 1000 people and gifting them a new agenda! A star vision with action, called the YNIVERSE! So whatever price tag you put it means 1 YLE pp! You may even cover for a whole town, community, company, etc, of your choice. Besides, if you participate with 1000 YLE you will be eligible to enter the YNIVERSAL Reward System which is not fully activated yet. It is another awesome dimension in the YNIVERSE!


Just do the math, both the math math and all other maths, and simply try to make the best out of the Star Agenda, that's all we want! And we want the highest WISDOM FOOTPRINT vs the minimum carbon, net zero frankly speaking. Let's get to work!

Multiply the impact, change the world!


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