Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.

[From a different angle, and an inclusive angle.]

So yes, Star Sustainability Matrix first suggests to go through a Vision Checkup session, because, not only it believes that once the Vision Quality is ensured at individual level the potential hidden in the rest of the Q's will unfold naturally and with the most quality format aiming at the summit, but also every single carbon source will be identified by anyone during Vision Checkup. Such a process will sure help increase the required public awareness, too. Conscious consumers are the key! Besides, some 'not yet an issue' footprints have to be identified in advance, before they become an actual threat. Vision Checkup will play a critical role in that sense, too.
Base procedures of such a 'worldwide' Vision Checkup session will be as such, as shown here at this link.
The format is basically asking you to simply read, think and write, take quick notes, for a soft start. Then, even the sky is not the limit.
An ordinary vision, the sum of our thoughts, words, actions, etc that's to say, in general, is comprised of a variety of building blocks. To make you know these building blocks is pretty much the first target of the process. On the side, you have to realize which building blocks are active and which ones are idle, and make sure the critical ones are not the idle ones.​​
​Some of these building blocks, together with the notes you took for each, will later form your +MODE, and some of them will form your Renaissance 4.0. Both +MODE and Renaissance 4.0 will then be introduced to other Q's of the Star Sustainability Matrix. Even during the process you can begin to connect your field of activity to the heading offered by the methodology.
​​The subject format already offers some building blocks and asks you to simply think and write under each of it. Even taking some very quick notes are OK.
​​Meanwhile, +MODE visually transforms to a home sweet home, too. In this case our world as our home, and with such efforts we are going to fully embody the +MODE for our world and for our future, most importantly, for the next generations.
Clear Roadmap 1st!
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